The foundation to the care and service we provide our residents and their families and friends at The Avenue Nursing Home is based upon Person Centred Care.
Valuing a person as a unique individual and adopting a person-centred approach to care and support ensures we provide quality care to each individual ‘their way’. Person-centred care puts the person, their experiences, well-being, needs and feelings at the centre of the caring process. Most of all person centred care is about seeing the person first and dementia second. It is about ensuring that the care provided is always focused on the person rather than a person who has dementia.
In order to achieve this we focus our time on getting to know the individual even before they arrive at the home. We ask many questions about their past and present life, understand their values and beliefs and get as much information on their personal preferences on the way care and support should be provided to them. Family and friends are also asked for their input, so even when a person is not able to share their information with us because they have difficulties with communication and memory, we ensure we get to know them through their family’s eyes. The information which is gathered helps us to initially build up a picture of the individual in order to create a care plan ready for admission and ensures all staff provides the right level of care and support from the very first day.
After admission, we continually observe each individual’s actions and reactions, activities they enjoy and when they enjoy and any changes in personal preferences to ensure we maintain our person centred care approach at all times.